How do I file a complaint?
Complaints. While the Board of Directors does everything within its power to assist the community to adhere to the governing documents as well as local and federal laws, this is done through a complaint driven system. If you have a complaint, please fill out the online Member Contact Form.

How do I change my address. You can change your address by one of the following ways:
1. Member Contact Form
2. Antelope Meadows Portal Login – Use the Property Information tab in the main menu on the left
3. Hoamco website – Update Personal Information:

What are the rules concerning outside storage / steel storage sontainers?
Violation Code: 564.A.13 – Outside storage / Steel Storage Containers
Full Description: The outside storage of objects and materials shall be permitted as an accessory use (i.e.: where a primary use has already been established) in residential zones plus RS, PAD, PM, RCD and OS zones, provided the following conditions are met: 13. The outside storage of steel storage containers is allowed as an accessory use with an established primary use, solely for the storage of personal items owned by the property owner, occupant or business in the RMM or less restrictive Use Districts provided as follows: a. A Zoning Clearance is obtained prior to placement of the unit; b. Containers shall meet the minimum yard requirements of the primary structure in the applicable density district as well as building separation and lot coverage requirements; c. All containers shall be painted and maintained either the primary structure color or an earth tone consistent with the surrounding terrain prior to placement; d. Any electrical service to comply with applicable County Codes; e. The sum of all Steel Storage Containers to be 400 square feet or less on any one property subject to Flood Control and Building Safety requirements; f. Minimum residential use parcel size is two acres; g. On commercial parcels steel storage containers not to exceed lot coverage percentage. Any unit not able to meet the foregoing performance criteria will require a Use Permit prior to permitting and installation. Temporary uses of such containers (up to 2 years) can be administratively approved in conjunction with approved construction/remodeling projects as referenced in Section 410.G.4.

What are the rules concerning outside storage / long-term occupancy?
Violation Code: 564.A.4 – Outside storage / Long-term occupancy
Full Description: The outside storage of objects and materials shall be permitted as an accessory use (i.e.: where a primary use has already been established) in residential zones, provided the following conditions are met: 4. A property owner or tenant may park or store any number of personally owned ( and for personal use) travel trailers, motor homes, recreational vehicles, boats, boat trailers, utility trailers, or other similar items designed for personal non-commercial uses outside on residential property where a primary residential use has been established. No more than one travel trailer, motor home or recreational vehicle, boat, trailer, etc. which is owned by a party other than the present owner or tenant of the property shall be stored. No travel trailers, motor homes or recreational vehicles on residentially zoned parcels or lots shall be used or made suitable for long-term occupancy without a Temporary Dwelling Permit, Use Permit or Secondary Medical Dwelling Variance as per Section 525. Evidence of an intention for long-term occupancy shall include at least three of the following: hooked up to power, hooked up to water, hooked up to sewer or septic, being raised or leveled by jacks or blocks, having a mailbox, having any attached structure or improvement, removal of wheels or axles on a vehicle normally fitted with wheels and axles.

What are the rules concerning outside storage / temporary use of RVs?
Full Description:
 The outside storage of objects and materials shall be permitted as an accessory use (i.e.: where a primary use has already been established) in residential zones, provided the following conditions are met: 5. Temporary use of a travel trailer, motor home or recreational vehicle as an occasional overflow guest room for non-paying or non-reimbursing relatives or guests is authorized as outlined provided such interim use does not exceed ninety days of continuous duration or a total of ninety days in a year or one twelve month period. Temporary use of recreational vehicles shall obly be authorized upon satisfaction of the following performance criteria: subject property is occupied by a permitted primary residential structure; the Environmental Unit shall be furnished with information to determine that the septic or sanitary facilities are adequate to accommodate additional effluent from the temporary RV unit installation; verification by the Land Use Specialist that the foregoing criteria have been addressed prior to authorizing occupancy of the unit.

What are the rules concerning outside storage / recreational vehicles?
Violation Code:
 564.A.6 – Outside storage / Recreational vehicles
Full Description: The outside storage of objects and materials shall be permitted as an accessory use (i.e.: where a primary use has already been established) in residential zones plus RS, PAD, PM, RCD and OS zones, provided the following conditions are met: 6. All boats, trailers, motor homes, travel trailers and recreational vehicles shall be kept in reasonable repair and operable and neatly arranged.

What are the rules concerning temporary camping?
Violation Code:
 571 – Temporary Camping
Full Description: Temporary occupancy of one (1) travel trailer or RV as defined in Section 301 (Definitions) on a lot without a primary use must meet the following standards: 1. Lot size of two acres or more; 2. Occupancy limited to ten consecutive days; 3. Frequency may not exceed three times per calendar year with a minimum of thirty day intervals between stays; 4. Occupancy limited to property owner. Rental is prohibited; 5. Travel trailer or RV must be serviced by an approved on-site wastewater system or be fully self contained; 6. Travel trailer or RV may not be connected to any utilities; 7. Unit msut beet the same setbacks applicable to a primary residence; 8. Unit may only be stored on the lot during occupancy term. No storage of non-occupied travel trailers or RVs is allowed.